In the time we will share about square formulas in Math. Square has two formula that is area and circumference.
1. Area of Square
Area = Side x Side
What the area of square which have side is 4 cm ?
side = 4cm
Area = side x side
Area = 4 cm x 4 cm
Area = 16 cm2
So the area of square which have side is 4cm is 16cm2.
2. Circumference of Square
Circumference = 4 x side
Example :
What is the circumference of the square which have side is 3cm ??
side = 3cm
Circumference = 4 x side
Circumference = 4 x 3 cm
Circumference = 12 cm
So the circumfrence of the square which have side is 3cm is 12cm.
Circumference = 12 cm
So the circumfrence of the square which have side is 3cm is 12cm.
End this article. Sorry if we made mistake in this article.
Wassalamualiakum wr. wb.
- To'Ali's book of business accounting mathematics
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