Section Description of Algorithm ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Section Description of Algorithm

Description is the core part of the algorithm structure. This section contains a description of the troubleshooting steps. These steps are written with a common notation in the writing of algorithms. Each step of the algorithm is read from the top step to the bottom step. The sequence of writing determines the order of execution of the command. As described in chapter one that the compiler or the basic structure of the algorithm is a step. An Algorithm can consist of three basic structures, namely sequence, selection and repetition. These three types of steps form the construction of an algorithm. In this section of the description of the three structures of the algorithm.

An example of the algorithm description section calculates the area of the circle:

1. Read radius
2. Calculate area = radius * radius * PHI
3. Show broad to the screen
4. Finish

An example algorithm calculates the area of a circle written using a complete descriptive sentence:

Algorithm Area Circles
{Calculate the area of the circle for the size of a specific radius.
The algorithm receives the input of the radius of the circle, calculating
extent, then print the extent to the output device}

Radius = real {data type of fractional}
area = real {data type of fraction}
PHI = 3.14

1. Read radius
2. Calculate area = PHI * radius * radius
Show wide to the screen
4. Done

Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • Ebook Logical and Algorithm

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