In making the program flowchart there is no formula or benchmark that is absolute. Because the flowchart is a picture of the results of thinking in analyzing a problem that will be converted into a computer program. So the resulting flowchart can vary from one programmer to another. However, there are several suggestions that must be considered, namely:
- Flowchart is depicted on a page starting from top to bottom and from left to right.
- The activity described should be defined using the correct language and symbol and this definition must be understood by the reader.
- When activity begins and ends must be clearly defined. There is only one starting point and one ending point.
- Each step of the activity should be described by using a verb description, eg CALCULATING ANY VALUE.
- Every step of the activity should be in the correct order.
- The scope and range of activities being described should be traced with caution. The branches that cut off the activity being described do not need to be drawn on the same flowchart. The connector symbol should be used and branches placed on a separate page or completely removed if the branches are not related to the system.
- Use standard flowchart symbols.
Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- Ebook Logical and Algorithm
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