Some computer experts declare the program by using Program = Algorithm + Programming Language
Programming languages and algorithms are closely related to a program. A good algorithm without proper selection of data structures will make the program less good, and vice versa. If associated with the program, then the algorithm should pay attention to the rules:
- Creation or writing algorithms are not dependent on any programming language, meaning the writing of algorithms independent of programming languages and computers that process them.
- Notation algorithms can be translated into various programming languages.
- Whatever the programming language, the output will be issued sema because the algorithm is the same.
Algorithms are made to help us in converting a problem into a programming language. Algorithm is the result of conceptual thinking, in order to be implemented by computer, algorithm must be translated into programming language notation. There are several things to note in the translation, namely:
1. Variable Declaration
Variables are required by the program in order to store input data, process and obtain computational results.
2. Selection of data types
If in the process of making the program apparently requires bariabel declaration it is required to choose the data type, because each variable must require the data type when declared.
3. Use or selection of instructions
There are several instructions in the programming language (sequence, selection, and repetition). The sequence of steps in the algorithm can be translated into one or more of these instructions.
4. Syntactic rules
At the time of writing the program we are bound by the rules of syntax in the programming language to be used. Each programming language has its own syntax writing rules.
5. Display results
When creating algorithms we can think of the results that will be presented. This technical point is taken into account when converting it into a program.
6. How to operate compiler or interpreter
The programming language used is included in the complier or interpreter group. Each has a different way of operating.
A computer is a processing machine. In order to be done by the computer, the algorithm must be written in programming language notion in the form of instructions that can be understood by the computer so called the program. So the program is the embodiment or implementation of technical algorithms written in a particular programming language so that it can be implemented by the computer. The program is written using one of the programming languages. Activity making program is called programming. The person who wrote the program is called the programmer. Each step in the program is called a statement or instruction. Thus, the program is composed of a set of instructions. When an instruction is executed, the operations corresponding to the instructions are performed by the computer.
Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- Ebook Logical and Algorithm
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