Definition of Linear Program ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Definition of Linear Program

In the activity of production and trade, both in large and small scale industry can not be separated from the profit problem that must be obtained by the company. The main objective is to earn the maximum income by minimizing expenditures (raw material costs, production process costs, employee salaries, transportation, etc.)

For this purpose, usually the company's management makes several possibilities in determining the strategy that must be taken to achieve it. For example in producing two kinds of goods with different costs and benefits. The company can calculate the profits that may be obtained by magnitude with respect to the required materials, profit per unit, transportation costs, and others.

To solve the problem used linear program. Linear program is defined as a way to solve a problem by using mathematical methods formulated in the form of equations or linear inequalities.

To obtain the optimum solution, a graphical method applied to a simple linear program consisting of two variables by means of a corner test or a line test in the set area of completion.

Similarly this article.
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The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales

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