Of course, from the picture above we can describe for some other round units. Before we understand the relationship of degrees with radians, let us first study the following study:
One radian is defined as the size of the center angle Ξ± a circle whose arc length is equal to the radius, note the picture above!
If ∠AOB = Ξ±, AB = OA = OB then Ξ± = AB/r = 1.
If the length of the arc is not equal to r, then the way of determining the angle in a radian is terminated using the definition of comparison as follows:
Definition 1:
∠AOB = AB/r rad
Definition 2:
360° = 2Ο rad
1° = Ο/180
1 rad ≈ 57,3°
1/4 round = 1/4 x 360° = 90°
90° = 90 x (Ο/180)rad = 1/2 Οrad
Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- Book of math senior high school class 10 Semester 2
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