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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Properties of addition and subtraction operations

Properties of addition operations

The following are the properties that apply in the addition operation, among which are:

1. Commutative

commutative nature:
a + b = b + a

10 + (-3) = -3 + 107 = 7

2. Associative

Associative properties:
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

(2 + 7) + 5 = 2 + (7 + 5)
14 = 14

3. Has neutral element addition, that is 0

4. Has a sum inverse. Inverse addition of a = -a

Inverse addition of 2 is -2.

The properties of addition and subtraction on fractions

1. The properties of addition in fractions

2. The reduction properties of fractions

Similarly this article.
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