Implications in Mathematical Logic ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Implications in Mathematical Logic

Two statements p and q can be made into one new statement of compound sentences into the form "if p then q". New statements arranged in this way are either implied statements or conditional / conditional statements of p and q statements. The "if p" part is called the reason or cause (antecedent / hypothesis) and the "then q" is called conclution or consequence (conclusion or consequence).

Formula of Implications

p → q 

p → q reads "if p then q"

Examples of Implications in Mathematical Logic

p    : It's a cloudy day
q    : Now it will rain
p → q: If it's cloudy now it will rain

Truth Table of Implications

The value of the truth of the implication statement is determined by the truth value of each component not by the relationship of the two sole statements. The value of truth implication is as follows:
The implication p → q is false if p is true and q is wrong, in other probability p → q is true.

Information :
T : True
F : False/wrong

Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales

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