Determining the cutting point of Two Line ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->
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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Determining the cutting point of Two Line

Determining the intersection of two straight lines is identical to solving the solution of a two-variable linear equation system either by eleminisai method, substitution method or graph method. The following is an example of determining the intersection of two lines by the method of elimination and substitution.

Example :
Determine the cutting point of the equation of line y = 3x + 5 and y = -2x + 15!

Elimination y:

5x = 10
5x/5 = 10/5
x = 2

Substitution x = 2 into y = 3x + 5
y = 3x + 5
y = 3(2) + 5
y = 6 + 5
y = 11

So the intersection of the line equation y = 3x + 5 and y = -2x + 15 is (2, 11).

Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales

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