Definition of rente
Suppose you keep a certain amount of money each month at the same bank, and the bank gives you interest on your savings. After a few months you will count the amount of savings that have been stored. If banks do not charge administrative fees, can you calculate the total amount of your savings? Well to calculate the savings from the illustration it takes knowledge about rente.Rente is a series of capital or installment paid or received at any given fixed period of time.
Types of Rente
In essence there are 3 types of rent, such as :a. Rente based on installment payment, consists of:
- Rente Pra Numerando is rente that is paid or received at the beginning of the period.
- Rente Post Numerando is a rent that is paid or received at the end of the period.
b. Rente based on the number of installments, consists of:
- Limited rente is rente whose number of installments is limited.
- Eternal rente is rente whose sum of unlimited installments.
c. Rente based on whether or not the first payment, consists of:
- Directly rente is rente whose first payment is directly as per agreement
- Suspended Rente is rente whose first payment is deferred for several periods.
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