The Formula of Declining Balance Decreasing Method
Information :
A = Cost of assets is the amount of costs incurred by the company to acquire an activation until the asset is ready to be operated.
S = Estimated residual value of the asset is the value of the appraisal that may be obtained through the assets that have passed its life.
r = Depreciation rate or percentage depreciation
n = Age of benefit / Age of economic assets in the year.
D = Depreciation expense for each period
Example Question of Declining Balance Decreasing Method
An asset at a cost of $ 20,000,000. After operating for 6 years is estimated the remaining value of $ 5,000,000. By using the declining balance method determine the rate of depreciation annually!Answer:
A = $20,000,000
S = $5,000,000
n = 6 years
So the amount of depreciation each year is 20.63% of the book value.
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Referensi :
- To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales
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