Definition of Conjunctions in Mathematical Logic
Two statements p and q can be combined using the "and" hyphens to form a compound statement called the conjunction of the p and q statements. The conjunction of the p and q statements is expressed by:Formula or symbol of Conjunctions in Mathematical Logic
p ∧ qInformation :
p ∧ q read "p and q"
Example of Conjunctions in Mathematical Logic
p : Jakarta is the Capital of Indonesiaq : Jakarta is located on the island of Java
p ∧ q : jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and is located on the island of Java.
Truth value of Conjunction
The truth value of the conjunctive compound statement of two statements p and q is determined as follows :If p is true and q is true then p ∧ q is true. If one of the statements is false then p ∧ q is false.
Information :
T = True
F = False or wrong
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The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales
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