Composition of Two Consecutive Translations ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Composition of Two Consecutive Translations

Determining a single translation representing the composition of two consecutive translations is the same as determining the resultant two vectors. If the first transactions of T1 with the column vector (a1 b1) are then followed by the second translational T2 with the column vector (a2 b2), the single translation representing the above composition is:

  • The T1 translation is continued by T2 translation equal to T2 translation followed by T1 translation, ie (T1 o T2) = (T2 o T1). So the composition of two translations is commutative.
  • The map shadow of A(x, y) by T1 translation is continued by T1 translation denoted by (T2 o T1) A (x, y).

Translations T1 and T2 each have column vectors (2 -3) and (-5 4), find (T2 o T1) A (-5, 1)!


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