Area and Circumference Formula of Kite ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Area and Circumference Formula of Kite

Kite properties

The following are the properties of the kite, including:
  • The adjacent sides are the same length AD = AB and DC = BC
  • Both diagonals intersect a perpendicular cross
  • DO = OB and ∠ADC = ∠ABC

Formula of Kite Area

Kite Area = 1/2 x AC x BD

For AC and BD can be seen on the above kite drawing.

Example Question of Kite Area

What is the area of the kite below?

AC = 5cm + 1cm = 6cm
BD = 2cm + 2cm = 4cm

Kite Area = 1/2 x AC x BD
Kite Area = 1/2 x 6cm x 4cm
Kite Area = 1/2 x 24cm2
Kite Area = 12cm2

So the area of the kite in the image above is 12cm2

Formula of Circumference Kite

C = 2x + 2y

C = Kelilng kite
x and y can be seen in the above kite drawing

Example Question of Circumference Kite

What is the circumference of the kite below?

x = 2cm
y = 5cm

C = 2x + 2y
C = 2(2cm) + 2(5cm)
C = 4cm + 7cm
C = 11cm

So the circumference of the kite is 11cm.

Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales

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