Definition of Annuity
An annuity is an amount of loan repayment of an equal amount paid out over a period of time, and consists of the interest and the installment.
Annuity formula:
Annuity = Installment + Interest
AN = An + Bn
Formula Installment:
An = A1 (1 + i) n-1
Information :
AN = Annuity
An = nth installmentA1 = 1st installmenti = Interest RateBn = The nth interest
A Loan will be repaid with a monthly annuity system. If the annuity amount is $.400.000,00. Please determine the 5th installment if the 5th Interest $.315.000,00 !!!!
AN = $400,000
B5 = $315,000AN = A5 + B5$400,000 = A5 + $315,000A5 = $400,000 - $315,000A5 = $85,000
So the 5th installment is $85,000
So just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
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