Quartile Formulas of Single Data in Statistics ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Quartile Formulas of Single Data in Statistics

Quartile Formulas of Single Data in Statistics
Quartile divide the data into four equal parts from data which has been sorted 25% each.

Quartile Formulas of Single Data in Statistics

Qi = location of data : (i(n + 1))/4

Information :
Qi = value of kuratil - ith
n = amount of data

Example :
Please determine the 1st quartile value of 1, 6, 9, 3, 5, 8, 10 !!!

Answer :
sort the data from the smallest data to the largest data :
1st location = 1
2nd location = 3
3rd location = 5
4th location = 6
5th location = 8
6th location = 9
7th location = 10
n = 7
then the quartile is :
Qi = location of data : (i(n + 1))/4
Q1 = location of data : (1(7 + 1))/4
Q1 = location of data : (1(8))/4
Q1 = location of data : 8/4
Q1 = location of data : 2
Q1 = location of data : 2nd
Q1 = 2nd location
Q1 = 3
So the 1st quartile of data 1, 6, 9, 3, 5, 8, 10 is 3.

So just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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