4 Benefits of Statistics ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

4 Benefits of Statistics

Statistics is one part of mathematics that is very useful for human life. Although in the learning process is very make our brain becomes dizzy, but the result of learning is very useful. Statistics is almost used in all professions for example in business, teacher, government, and many more professions that use statistics. But of the many benefits of statistics, we as the authors will summarize the benefits of statistics into 4 parts only. Here are 4 benefits of statistics, such as:

1. Scientific methods used in scientific research in various fields
At first benefit this statistical science is used in scientific research in various fields. Suppose that in the field of disaster management, the science of statistics will be a reference to anticipate natural disasters in the future, so that when a time of natural disasters, humans can avoid the natural disaster.

2. The scientific basis for analyzing and making decisions
Statistics can be useful for analyzing and then making decisions about the analysis. For example in a business, a company's financial management will use statistics to analyze a loss that occurs each period. If the cause of the loss of each period is described in a statistical data, so the leaders can make decisions based on statistical data that have been analyzed.

3. Methods for describing and analyzing an event quantitatively
Statistics can provide an overview and analyze an event or event quantitatively. The bottom line to this third benefit of statistics can be to describe an event quantitatively, eg accident data per year, and others.

4. Providing input for other disciplines to create new methods
In addition to being used in research, analyzing, describing events, statistics can also be an input for other disciplines to create new methods. Given the possibilities of ups and downs depicted by statistics, the disciplines can create new methods by looking at statistical data.

Just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • Prof.Dr.Sudjana,MA,Msc, Tarsito, Metode Statistika, Edisi 6, Bandung
  • Robert D Mason and Douglas A.Lind, T, Teknik Statistika for bussiness and economy, erlangga, Yogyakarta
  • Lukas Setia Atmaja, Memahami Statistika Bisnis, Erlangga, Yogyakarta

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