3 Basic Kinds of Frequencies in Statistics ~ Matematika Akuntansi -->
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Sunday, February 25, 2018

3 Basic Kinds of Frequencies in Statistics

In frequency statistics is a number that indicates how many times a variable (denoted by the numbers) recurs in the sequence of numbers; or it can be said how many times a variable appears in the sequence of numbers. There are 3 kinds of frequencies in statistics, such as:

  1. Regular frequency
  2. Cumulative frequency
  3. Relative frequency

1. Regular frequency

Regular frequency is the number of frequencies of each data. This regular frequency serves to show the number of frequencies of a data, so it is not written repeatedly. The following is an example of regular frequencies presented in a table form:

2. Cumulative frequency

The cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequencies data with the frequency of the previous data. Cumulative frequency serves to facilitate the process of spreading the data later. here is an example of cumulative frequency in a table form:

Information :

  • The green columns are columns of cumulative frequency values

3. Relative frequency

The relative frequency is the frequency value in percent form compared to the total number of all data. Relative frequency is useful to facilitate the next process in presenting the data. Here is an example of relative frequencies in a table form:

Information :

  • The green columns are columns of relative frequency values

Just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

  • http://kesehatanlingkungan1a.blogspot.co.id/2013/03/pengertian-frekuensi-kelompok-iii.html

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